
Based on the Sharp Singularity emitters, LOTUS emitters are hydrophobic to improve electrospray ionization efficiency and consistency.

SUPER SESI-X (SSX) vapor ionization

SSX is optimized for the Thermo Exploris, Tribrid and TSQ MS series. Biologically relevant vapor and nano-aerosol ionization in real-time.

SUPER SESI QE vapor ionization

SUPER SESI is optimized for Thermo QExactive instruments, with a universal sample inlet to fit smoothly in your experimental set-up.


Sharp Singularity, nESI emiters

Stable and repeatable nano electro-spray with precision micro-machined, fully traceable and elongated emitters. ID from 10 μm to 50 μm.

EXHALION breath analysis maneuver

Compatible with standard spirometry antibacterial filters, provides CO2 and flow measurements, and guides the exhalation maneuver.

We re-engineered the column-emitter block to improve reproducibility and performance in proteomic studies.


The first in this family of products aimed at standardizing, simplifying and industrializing nanoelectrospray for proteomics workflows.


We like trying new things, and we like collaborating with other scientists. Check the projects we have done and evaluate if we can be a good partner for you.

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