Proteomics & Mass Spectrometry Winter Summer School ‘22 — January 16-21, 2022

A group of leading scientists and engineers will gather next month in Madeira (Portugal) to share the latest advances in this exciting proteomics meeting. We're really looking forward to seeing what comes out of it. Don't miss it! This is the "dream team" of chemical and single-cell proteomics.

Our CEO Guillermo Vidal-de-Miguel PhD is a confirmed speaker. Since single-cell proteomics and breath analysis require ultra-high ionization efficiencies for mass_spectrometry, using the proper ion source and a good nanoelectrospray plays a key role in obtaining the best possible results.

See other speakers in the list below ⬇

Here you can follow all the details of the meeting.

Confirmed speakers:
Akos Vegvari
Alexander Makarov
Dimitris Papanastasiou
Guillermo Vidal-de-Miguel PhD
Jan Commandeur
Julia Chamot-Rooke
Massimiliano Gaetani
Muriel P.
Rodolphe Antoine
Roman Zubarev
Yury Tsybin
Jeroen Krijgsveld
Karl Mechtler

Sharp singularity nanoelectrospray emitters for proteomics Ion sources for volatile metabolites


Monitoring of Exogenous Compound Kinetics in Exhaled Breath


Screening of highly relevant compounds in the inhaled route